The Young Shulammite Bride and Jerusalem’s Daughters
1The Or Best of the SongsSong of Songs, which is Solomon’s.
The speaker identifications are not from the Hebrew text nor the Septuagint, but reflect an ancient tradition which appears in some manuscripts. The Bride
2“May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is Lit more pleasantsweeter than wine.
3Your oils have a pleasing fragrance,
Your name is like Lit oil poured from one vessel to anotherpurified oil;
Therefore the Or virginsyoung women love you.
4Draw me after you and let’s run together!
The king has brought me into his chambers.”
We will rejoice in you and be joyful;
We will praise your love more than wine.
Rightly do they love you.”
The Bride
5“I am black and beautiful,
You daughters of Jerusalem,
Like the tents of Kedar,
Like the curtains of Solomon.
6Do not stare at me because I am Or swarthy, blackishdark,
For the sun has tanned me.
My mother’s sons were angry with me;
They made me caretaker of the vineyards,
But I have not taken care of my own vineyard.
7Tell me, you whom my soul loves,
Where do you pasture your flock,
Where do you have it lie down at noon?
For why should I be like one who Some ancient versions wandersveils herself
Beside the flocks of your companions?”
Solomon, the Lover, Speaks
8“If you yourself do not know,
Most beautiful among women,
Go out on the trail of the flock,
And pasture your young goats
By the tents of the shepherds.
9Lit I have compared you toTo me, my darling, you are like
My mare among the chariots of Pharaoh.
10Your cheeks are delightful with jewelry,
Your neck with strings of beads.”
The Chorus
11“We will make for you jewelry of gold
With beads of silver.”
The Bride
12“While the king was at his table,
My Lit nardperfume gave forth its fragrance.
13My beloved is to me a pouch of myrrh
Which lies all night between my breasts.
14My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms
In the vineyards of Engedi.”
The Groom
15Lit BeholdHow beautiful you are, my darling,
Lit Behold How beautiful you are!
Your eyes are like doves.”
The Bride
16Lit BeholdHow handsome you are, my beloved,
And so delightful!
Indeed, our bed is luxuriant!
17The beams of our house are cedars,
Our rafters, junipers.