1 John 2 11
But anyone who hates a fellow believer is still living and walking in darkness. Such a person does not know the way to go, having been blinded by the darkness.
1 John 2 9
If anyone claims,“ I am living in the light,” but hates a fellow believer, that person is still living in darkness.
Luke 17:3
So watch yourselves!“ If another believer sins, rebuke that person; then if there is repentance, forgive.
Proverbs 27:5-6
An open rebuke is better than hidden love!Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.
1John 3:12-15
Galatians 6:1
Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself.
Matthew 18:15-17
“ If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back.But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses.If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector.
Proverbs 26:24-26
People may cover their hatred with pleasant words, but they’re deceiving you.They pretend to be kind, but don’t believe them. Their hearts are full of many evils.While their hatred may be concealed by trickery, their wrongdoing will be exposed in public.
1 Corinthians 5 2
You are so proud of yourselves, but you should be mourning in sorrow and shame. And you should remove this man from your fellowship.
Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.
Romans 1:32
They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.
Psalms 141:5
Let the godly strike me! It will be a kindness! If they correct me, it is soothing medicine. Don’t let me refuse it. But I pray constantly against the wicked and their deeds.
1 Timothy 5 20
Those who sin should be reprimanded in front of the whole church; this will serve as a strong warning to others.
2John 1:10-11
Titus 2:15
You must teach these things and encourage the believers to do them. You have the authority to correct them when necessary, so don’t let anyone disregard what you say.
Titus 1:13
This is true. So reprimand them sternly to make them strong in the faith.
2 Timothy 4 2
Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.
Proverbs 9:8
So don’t bother correcting mockers; they will only hate you. But correct the wise, and they will love you.
1 Timothy 5 22
Never be in a hurry about appointing a church leader. Do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.
Genesis 27:41
From that time on, Esau hated Jacob because their father had given Jacob the blessing. And Esau began to scheme:“ I will soon be mourning my father’s death. Then I will kill my brother, Jacob.”
Galatians 2:11-14
But when Peter came to Antioch, I had to oppose him to his face, for what he did was very wrong.When he first arrived, he ate with the Gentile believers, who were not circumcised. But afterward, when some friends of James came, Peter wouldn’t eat with the Gentiles anymore. He was afraid of criticism from these people who insisted on the necessity of circumcision.As a result, other Jewish believers followed Peter’s hypocrisy, and even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy.When I saw that they were not following the truth of the gospel message, I said to Peter in front of all the others,“ Since you, a Jew by birth, have discarded the Jewish laws and are living like a Gentile, why are you now trying to make these Gentiles follow the Jewish traditions?