8 有祢同行


翻译:倪兆康 Steven Ngai
编曲:Blair Masters

主歌 1

有祢同行 胜过千万人同往
有祢同行 我能勇敢走窄路
开我眼睛 看见祢就在这里
我灵稳妥 因祢与我同行

主歌 2

有祢同行 胜过千万人同往
有祢同行 我能勇敢走窄路
将(我的)爱完全 让我心一无畏惧
我灵稳妥 因祢与我同行


每当我转向祢 祢已在这里
每当我亲近祢 祢就与我亲近
我尚未求告 祢已应允 使我喜乐满溢

主歌 3

有祢同行 胜过千万人同往
有祢同行 我能勇敢走窄路
爱既完全 将一切惧怕除去
我灵稳妥 因祢与我同行

Verse 1

Though few the friends on this way I choose to go,
You give me strength to seek out the narrow road.
Help me to see that You're traveling with me:
With You I'm safe; with You I'm not alone.

Verse 2

Though few the friends on this way I choose to go,
You give me strength to seek out the narrow road.
My love complete, help me cast aside my fear:
With You I'm safe; with You I'm not alone.


Lord, when I turn to You,
You have turned to me.
When I draw close to You,
Already You've drawn close.
When my pray'rs are but thoughts, You've answered.
In You my joy o'erflows!

Verse 3

Though few the friends on this way I choose to go,
You give me strength to seek out the narrow road.
My love's complete, and my heart is free of fear:
With You I'm safe; with You I'm not alone.