7月26日 送给正在经历试炼者的“A to Z”


前言:多年前笔者曾收到一首英文诗“Holy Alphabet圣字母表”。后来把它略加修改,配上中文,共以26个不同的字来押韵。除在讲道信息或个人平台分享外,这首中英文小诗从未在正式刊物公开发表过。今有感动与《举目》的众位读者分享。纵:世事艰难,常经忧患,但:背负十架,持定永生!愿以此互勉。


A lthough sometimes want to cry

虽然有时想哭 B ecause of trial or pain

皆因试炼痛苦 C ontinue in thanksgiving and pray

继续感恩倾诉 D o not begin to blame


E ven when the times are hard

即使艰辛难渡 F ierce winds are bound to blow

风浪催逼急促 G od is forever in throne


H old on to way of eternal life

持定永生之路 I magine life without His love

思想主爱若无 J oy would cease to be

喜乐寻觅无处 K eep thanking Him for all the things

凡事恩典要数 L ove imparts to thee

祂爱使你蒙福 M ove out of “Camp Complaining”

不与抱怨为伍 N othing that is known

人间所知万物 O n earth can yield the power

能力再大不如 P raise can do alone

发自赞美而出 Q uit worrying about tomorrow

忧虑明天何助 R edeem the time at hand


S tart every day with worship

每天敬拜起步 T o “thank” is a command

感恩本是吩咐 U ntil we see Him coming

直到欢然见主 V ictorious soldiers in the sky

得胜精兵天府 W e‘ll run the race of the cross

奔走十架之途 X alting Jesus Christ most high

高举耶稣基督 Y es, there’ll be good times and yes some will be bad, but…

Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad! 荣乐锡安永住 !
