<< Salmos 139:15 >>



  • Salmos 139:13
    For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. (niv)
  • Eclesiastes 11:5
    As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. (niv)
  • Salmos 63:9
    Those who want to kill me will be destroyed; they will go down to the depths of the earth. (niv)
  • Jó 10:8-11
    “ Your hands shaped me and made me. Will you now turn and destroy me?Remember that you molded me like clay. Will you now turn me to dust again?Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese,clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews? (niv)
  • Efésios 4:9
    ( What does“ he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? (niv)
  • Êxodo 11:5
    Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. (niv)