<< Exodus 32:32 >>



  • Philippians 4:3
    My true companion, here is what I ask you to do. Help these women, because they have served at my side. They have worked with me to spread the good news. So have Clement and the rest of those who have worked together with me. Their names are all written in the book of life.
  • Psalms 69:28
    May their names be erased from the book of life. Don’t include them in the list of those who do right.
  • Revelation 21:27
    Only what is pure will enter the city. No one who causes people to believe lies will enter it. No one who does shameful things will enter it either. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life will enter the city.
  • Romans 9:3
    I am so concerned about my people, who are members of my own race. I am ready to be cursed, if that would help them. I am even willing to be separated from Christ.
  • Daniel 12:1
    “ At that time Michael will appear. He is the great prince of the angels. He guards your people. There will be a time of terrible suffering. Things will be worse than at any time since nations began. But at that time of suffering your people will be saved. Their names are written in the book of life.
  • Revelation 3:5
    Here is what I will do for anyone who has victory over sin. I will dress that person in white like those worthy people. I will never erase their names from the book of life. I will speak of them by name to my Father and his angels.
  • Numbers 14:19
    Lord, your love is great. So forgive the sin of these people. Forgive them just as you have done from the time they left Egypt until now.”
  • Psalms 139:16
    your eyes saw my body even before it was formed. You planned how many days I would live. You wrote down the number of them in your book before I had lived through even one of them.
  • Psalms 56:8
    Make a record of my sadness. List my tears in your book. Aren’t you making a record of them?
  • Luke 23:34
    Jesus said,“ Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing.” The soldiers divided up his clothes by casting lots.
  • Deuteronomy 25:19
    The Lord your God will give you peace and rest from all the enemies around you. He’ll do this in the land he’s giving you to take over as your very own. No one on earth will mention the Amalekites ever again because you will destroy them. Do not forget!
  • Exodus 32:10
    Now leave me alone. I will destroy them because of my great anger. Then I will make you into a great nation.”
  • Ezekiel 13:9
    “ Israel, my power will be against the prophets who see false visions. Their magic tricks are lies. They will not be among the leaders of my people. They will not be listed in the records of Israel. In fact, they will not even enter the land. Then you will know that I am the Lord and King.
  • Deuteronomy 9:14
    Do not try to stop me. I am going to destroy them. I will wipe them out from the earth. Then I will make you into a great nation. Your people will be stronger than they were. There will be more of you than there were of them.”
  • Daniel 9:18-19
    Our God, please listen to us. The city that belongs to you has been destroyed. Open your eyes and see it. We aren’t asking you to answer our prayers because we are godly. Instead, we’re asking you to do it because you love us so much.Lord, please listen! Lord, please forgive us! Lord, hear our prayers! Take action for your own honor. Our God, please don’t wait. Your city and your people belong to you.”
  • Amos 7:2
    The locusts stripped the land clean. Then I cried out,“ Lord and King, forgive Israel! How can Jacob’s people continue? They are such a weak nation!”
  • Deuteronomy 29:20
    The Lord will never be willing to forgive those people. His great anger will blaze out against them. All the curses I’ve written down in this book will fall on them. And the Lord will erase any mention of them from the earth.
  • Revelation 17:8
    The beast that you saw used to exist and now does not. Yet it will come up out of the Abyss and be destroyed. Some people on the earth will be amazed when they see the beast. Their names have not been written in the book of life from the time the world was created. They will be amazed at the beast. That’s because it will come again even though it used to exist and now does not.
  • Revelation 22:19
    Suppose someone takes away any words from this book of prophecy. Then God will take away from that person the blessings told about in this book. God will take away their share in the tree of life. God will also take away their place in the Holy City.