<< Acts 15:14 >>



  • Isaiah 43:21
    I do it for the people I made for myself. I want them to sing praise to me.
  • 2 Peter 1 1
    I, Simon Peter, am writing this letter. I serve Jesus Christ. I am his apostle. I am sending this letter to you. You are those who have received a faith as valuable as ours. You received it because our God and Savior Jesus Christ does what is right.
  • Isaiah 55:11-13
    The words I speak are like that. They will not return to me without producing results. They will accomplish what I want them to. They will do exactly what I sent them to do.“ My people, you will go out of Babylon with joy. You will be led out of it in peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song as you go. And all the trees in the fields will clap their hands.Juniper trees will grow where there used to be bushes that had thorns on them. And myrtle trees will grow where there used to be thorns. That will bring me great fame. It will be a lasting reminder of what I can do. It will stand forever.”
  • Acts 15:7-9
    After they had talked it over, Peter got up and spoke to them.“ Brothers,” he said,“ you know that some time ago God chose me. He appointed me to take the good news to the Gentiles. He wanted them to hear the good news and believe.God knows the human heart. By giving the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles, he showed that he accepted them. He did the same for them as he had done for us.God showed that there is no difference between us and them. That’s because he made their hearts pure because of their faith.
  • Luke 2:31-32
    You have prepared it in the sight of all nations.It is a light to be given to the Gentiles. It will be the glory of your people Israel.”
  • Romans 11:36
    All things come from him. All things are directed by him. All things are for his praise. May God be given the glory forever! Amen.
  • Romans 1:5
    We received grace because of what Jesus did. He made us apostles to the Gentiles. We must invite all of them to obey God by trusting in Jesus. We do this to bring glory to him.
  • Luke 1:78
    All of that will happen because our God is tender and caring. His kindness will bring the rising sun to us from heaven.
  • Luke 1:68
    “ Give praise to the Lord, the God of Israel! He has come to his people and purchased their freedom.
  • 1 Peter 2 9-1 Peter 2 10
    But God chose you to be his people. You are royal priests. You are a holy nation. You are God’s special treasure. You are all these things so that you can give him praise. God brought you out of darkness into his wonderful light.Once you were not a people. But now you are the people of God. Once you had not received mercy. But now you have received mercy.