<< 2 Samuel 2 11 >>



  • 1 Kings 2 11
    David had reigned over Israel for forty years, seven of them in Hebron and thirty three in Jerusalem.
  • 1 Chronicles 29 27
    He reigned over Israel for forty years, seven of them in Hebron and thirty three in Jerusalem.
  • 1 Chronicles 3 4
    These six sons were born to David in Hebron, where he reigned seven and a half years. Then David reigned another thirty three years in Jerusalem.
  • 2 Samuel 5 4-2 Samuel 5 5
    David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years in all.He had reigned over Judah from Hebron for seven years and six months, and from Jerusalem he reigned over all Israel and Judah for thirty three years.