<< 2 Samuel 1 1 >>



  • 1 Samuel 27 6
    So Achish gave him Ziklag on that day.( For that reason Ziklag has belonged to the kings of Judah until this very day.)
  • 1 Samuel 31 6
    So Saul, his three sons, his armor bearer, and all his men died together that day.
  • 1 Samuel 30 17-1 Samuel 30 26
    But David struck them down from twilight until the following evening. None of them escaped, with the exception of four hundred young men who got away on camels.David retrieved everything the Amalekites had taken; he also rescued his two wives.There was nothing missing, whether small or great. He retrieved sons and daughters, the plunder, and everything else they had taken. David brought everything back.David took all the flocks and herds and drove them in front of the rest of the animals. People were saying,“ This is David’s plunder!”Then David approached the two hundred men who had been too exhausted to go with him, those whom they had left at the Wadi Besor. They went out to meet David and the people who were with him. When David approached the people, he asked how they were doing.But all the evil and worthless men among those who had gone with David said,“ Since they didn’t go with us, we won’t give them any of the loot we retrieved! They may take only their wives and children. Let them lead them away and be gone!”But David said,“ No! You shouldn’t do this, my brothers. Look at what the LORD has given us! He has protected us and has delivered into our hands the raiding party that came against us.Who will listen to you in this matter? The portion of the one who went down into the battle will be the same as the portion of the one who remained with the equipment! Let their portions be the same!”From that time onward it was a binding ordinance for Israel, right up to the present time.When David came to Ziklag, he sent some of the plunder to the elders of Judah who were his friends, saying,“ Here’s a gift for you from the looting of the LORD’s enemies!”